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Double Fish attended 2018 China Sports Goods Exposition

July 18,2018.

2018 China Sports Goods Exposition was held in Shanghai national exposition center from May 25-28. There are many customers visited our booth from China and overseas. The sports goods exposition is essential for us to promote our brand and develop the markets.

The double fish exclusive distributors from Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam visited us and discussed for further cooperation. At the same time, the new customers from Korea, India, Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Philippe etc. are also very interested in our products, especially interested in the table tennis 3-star ball which were used in 2018 world cup.

We also discussed the details with the Malaysia distributor regarding to the “Double Fish Cup” Malaysia station in 2018 and the China and ASEAN International Sports Goods Exposition which will be held in November in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Article from 免费黄色视频在线观看:Double Fish Sport Group.